Tag Archive: cyrano

Panachepost 6: re-collections

What is it we cherish about being in plays? Doing what we love, doing it well, certainly. Having a job in a fickle business. And all the subterranean urges and desires I have… Continue reading

Panache post 5: otherness

I’ve been to two memorial services recently. They were strikingly similar. The first, held last month, was for Jiri Zizka who in the late seventies co-founded one of Philadelphia’s best theaters with his… Continue reading

Panache-post 4: opening

“I will be loved for who I am, or not at all!” – Christian de Neuvilette, Cyrano act 3. In my most recent book, The Deception of Surfaces, there is a little refrain: it’s… Continue reading

Panache-post 3: objectives

For acting geeks out there: I have experienced an interesting journey with the time-honored concept of the “objective”. Variously called “objective” “psychological objective” “goal” “purpose” and “intention” (a variation my drama school acting teacher… Continue reading

Panache-post 2: the Thornbird

During a conversation about the various kinds of sadness, Aaron brought up the Thornbird. Legend has it that, from the day it is born, it searches for a thorn bush that is just… Continue reading

Panache-post 1

It’s been a while since I’ve been in a cast in which I feel like I’m part of a sports team. The last time I can remember feeling like this was in Of… Continue reading